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Afghan Refugee Support Drive

Updated: Feb 14, 2022

A significant number of Afghans aided U.S. forces as interpreters, translators and various other roles during the 20 year war in their country. Fearing reprisal from the Taliban, many of these Afghans and their families were evacuated to U.S. military bases where they’ve been housed since arriving last summer, they are now beginning to move into the cities and towns where they’ll start building new lives. According to statistics from Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, 40% of Afghan refugees are children.

When they arrive in the U.S., many Afghans have little more than the clothes on their back and are in need of essential support. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services and World Relief, Seattle are two organizations that are working hard to provide essential services for newly-arrived families in the area, including emergency medical care, temporary housing, financial support for basic necessities, and more.

The “All For Peace” ministry group at Trinity Lutheran Church & Schools and “Difficult Discussion: Racism” group at Pointe of Grace Lutheran Church both felt they needed to move from a position of feeling helpless in this situation to a position of feeling called to support our new Afghan neighbors and “Afghan Refugee Support Drive” was born.

You Can Help

You can support in two ways, either by donating money to LIRS or by donating gift cards to World Relief, Seattle.

  • Monetary Donations for Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services - donate online (, or bring cash/checks (made out to Trinity and indicating LIRS in the memo) to Trinity.

  • Gift Cards for World Relief, Seattle - preferred cards for Safeway, Target, Winco, Fred Meyer, Goodwill, and Amazon. Drop off at Trinity during the week or bring to worship.

There will be special offerings during worship on both February 20 and 27 to support this effort, so please bring your gift cards or monetary contributions with you to worship either Sunday. You can also donate online, drop your offering at the church office during business hours or mail it to Trinity Lutheran Church & Schools, 6215 196th St SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036.


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