There is lots of growth happening at this place, inside the building and out.

The roof replacement work continues and has become more noticeable over the past week. Crews have removed and replaced shingles on the sloped portions over the Sanctuary and Chapel. Be aware, the work can get noisy during their normal hours of 8 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday.
They were also out last Saturday morning making sure materials were secure and tarps in place during the wind and rain storm that blew through. All was well, but you may have noticed on Sunday morning they had blocked off part of the main entrance area as a safety precaution. We can expect periodic disruptions such as this throughout their work, with completion expected in March.
Speaking of major construction projects on our campus, the Joint Operating Committee (JOC) of the Lynnwood Neighborhood Center (LNC) project met this week to hear updates from Project Manager Jim Lorenz of Volunteers of America (VOA). We heard from Jim regarding the NEPA/EPA environmental review--it is complete and there was no Finding of Significant Impact ("FONZI"), excellent news!
Less great news, VOA also found out late last week that the project will need to be re-bid to meet the federal Procurement Standards. However, they don't anticipate that this will cause a big delay, and are still targeting a late March, or early April 2024 groundbreaking/construction date.
And finally, while it hasn't directly affected operations at Trinity, I'm sure most have you have taken notice of the work nearby on the new Swift Orange Line rapid bus service along 196th. That project is scheduled to be completed, and the bus line operating, on March 30, 2024. It will connect with the Link light rail, set to reach Lynnwood in the Fall of 2024, and also provide easy connections to and from Edmonds College, Alderwood Mall, Mill Creek Town Center, and various Park & Rides and other Swift lines.
Don Boelter