Trinity's Congregation Council meets each 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 PM. All are welcome to attend and observe. To speak at a meeting, or with other comments or questions, email the council:

Greetings from the Congregation Council!
At the monthly Council meeting this week, Terry Anderson led us in a devotion, reminding us that this Saturday is Earth Day, and reminding us of our call and command to care for creation, just as we care for one another.
We talked about the following things underway at TLCS:
We finalized details for the special congregation meeting which will be held after worship on April 23. At that meeting, we’ll be asked to approve moving forward with the roof and siding project.
Don Boelter updated us on safety training that the preschool has scheduled. He also shared that the City of Lynnwood has a new community resource officer who we have been utilizing, along with the police when necessary, to support the policy that people can only be on the TLCS property during school hours when they have a specific reason to be. All people are welcomed on Sundays for worship.
Attendance has been increasing. How do we continue to support growth, space, and connection for all? This will be an ongoing discussion.
The Council discussed pros/cons of using individual cups or a common cup with intinction (dipping the bread in the cup) for Communion. This will be explored more with the congregation.
Ministry and staff
Representatives from TLCS, Cold Weather Shelter, and Neighbors in Need recently met to discuss and possibly formalize how we work together.
The Personnel Committee is on track to present salary review recommendations in May. Kim Palmer has agreed to continue serving on the committee. At a future Council meeting, she will be appointed to fill the position on the committee that comes open July 1.
The Council discussed ideas for celebrating the work done by the Governing Documents Task Force and providing closure to the workgroup. We will commission another workgroup in the future for similar, specific work.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us on the Council if you have any questions. We are grateful for everyone’s continued care and engagement as a Church.
Your Congregation Council