Trinity's Congregation Council meets each 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 PM. All are welcome to attend and observe. To speak at a meeting, or with other comments or questions, email the council:

Greetings from the Congregation Council!
This month’s meeting was on February 15. Here are some key highlights:
At January’s Congregational Meeting, nominees for the next Council class were presented to the congregation. We welcomed those nominees who were able to join.
David Fox updated us on the financial health of the congregation. Our January 2022 income was $90,413, with expenses of $99,981. Though we have a difference of $9,568, we expect that some of the dynamics of the year beginning and approving the new budget have probably impacted that.
Another key financial discussion: we were updated regarding efforts to engage with mortgage lenders and about organizing our capital campaign in order to finance the roof repairs.
David Greenlee gave an update on ways to increase engagement with the congregation as we come out of the pandemic.
We discussed and approved a proposal to fund a half-time, temporary position to help manage the transition and pick up critical pastoral care and coordinator duties after Debbie, our Ministry Coordinator, retires.
We are grateful for each of you, and we thank God for each of you. Please continue to hold us in your prayers as we navigate these trying times.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns: