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Cultivating Generosity: Tending the Garden of Our Past 🌱

As we begin our Generosity Lived: Rooted in Community initiative, we invite you to reflect on how the seeds of our past shape our generosity today. This week’s theme, Tending the Garden of Our Past, calls us to look back at the lessons, people, and experiences that have formed our approach to giving and financial stewardship.

side view of layers of earth and dirt, tree roots extending deep below

If you weren't able to join in worship yesterday, catch up with Pastor Bev's sermon, "Rediscovering Our Roots," or watch the full service.

Week 1 Devotionals

At the heart of “Rooted in Community” lies a deep commitment to living out our faith in tangible ways. Our daily actions, reflections, and prayers during this initiative are exercises of faith that strengthen our roots in God’s love and grace. Each day, we explore how our faith shapes our generosity, inspiring us to live more fully as disciples of Christ. As you spend time each day in devotion, may this exercise deepen your spiritual journey and unite us in our shared mission to nurture, love, and serve all.

Sunday, October 6 - Tending the Garden of Our Past

Read: Psalm 78:1-7 & Deuteronomy 6:1-9

Reflect: Just as a tree finds strength in its deep roots, so too do we draw from the well of our past as we explore our journey with generosity. As we begin this generosity initiative, let’s take time to reflect on the family, experiences, and lessons that have influenced our financial decisions and relationship with faith.

The psalmist calls us to remember, teaching future generations the stories and lessons of the past so they can build upon that foundation. Paul’s words in Galatians remind us not to grow weary in doing good, for in due season, we will reap if we persist. These scriptures help us see that the seeds planted in the past—whether wisdom, generosity, or even challenges—continue to shape us.

Who were the early gardeners in your life, and how did they shape your values around money and faith? What lessons or experiences stand out as pivotal in shaping how you give, save, or spend?

Pray: Loving God, guide me as I reflect on the seeds of the past that have shaped my journey. Help me recognize the moments of abundance, the challenges, and the lessons that form the soil of my life. Root me in your grace as I seek to grow in generosity. Amen.

Monday, October 7

Tuesday, October 8

Wednesday, October 9

Thursday, October 10

Friday, October 11

Saturday, October 12

Commitment Sunday – October 27

On October 27, we invite everyone to join us for Commitment Sunday. Bring your filled Commitment Card as we consecrate our commitments together. This day marks a significant moment as we pledge continued support for God’s work through the mission and ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church & Schools. If you can’t make it in person, join worship virtually and make your commitment online.

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