Join the adventure, SEPT. 10 - OCT. 1

Quest Journal & Passport
Pick up your ‘guidebook’ to the series starting Sunday in the narthex (or check out the digital version below to get going)! Collect stamps for participating in the various components of the series, and reflect on your journey each week with the included journaling prompts.
Sunday Worship Series
Join together each Sunday for the weekend gathering of the scattered church at 10 AM, as we come together from our individual journeys to sing, pray, and celebrate the grace of God in our lives.
Week 1 - Leaving Home (Psalm 121; Exodus 13:17-21)
Week 2 - The Encounter (Psalm 146; John 4:7-40)
Week 3 - The Reflection (Revelation 21:22-26; John 14:23-29)
Week 4 - Returning Home (Psalm 36:5-9; John 15:1-17)
Companion Book & Study
In addition to our Sunday worship gatherings, we are thrilled and grateful to have local travel icon and TLCS member, Rick Steves, accompany this journey. We will be using his book, Travel as a Political Act, to chaperone our quest, either studying on your own or in the Sunday morning Adult Faith Formation (9 AM in room 203 starting September 10). A limited number of copies are available for $5 in the office.
Sept 10 - Watch Rick Steves’ video, Travel as a Spiritual Act
Sept 17 - Discussion: How do our travels (whether across town or overseas) bring us closer to God?
Sept 24 - Book discussion facilitated by Rick Steves
Oct 1 - Wrap up book discussion and series
Share Pictures
Share pictures of your travels (near or far!) and either email them to or tag TLCS on Instagram (@trinitylynnwood) and use the hashtag #TLCSQuest. They’ll be used in worship slideshows and other media throughout the series!