This year, we will focus on the journey of St. Peter during the season of Lent. There is no doubt that each one of us has, at some point, felt like him. At times we feel that we are the confessors, the rock upon which the Lord builds his church. But, at other times we weep like Peter when we see our shortcomings while following Jesus. Life, circumstances, and the forces around us pull us, push us, and make us wander, wonder, and ask questions.
As followers of Jesus, we are called to share our wanderings and our time of growth. That is why I am inviting you to share in the faith journey of the congregation by participating, engaging, being open to listen to one another, and to pray with and for one another and the entire creation. I believe that your story can relate to others who, like you and I, are wandering, wondering, and seeking to share what is in our wandering hearts.
I would like to invite you to prepare for the Sunday gathering of the church by watching this short video clip from the series "The Chosen" which the Sunday adult faith formation group is watching and discussing.
Then I invite you to ponder the following questions, which will be also discussed during the massage on Sunday:
What is the beginning of your faith story?
When has God sought you out?
Have you ever felt like your calling was pursuing—or chasing—you? Did you resist? Did you follow?
In Christ,

Pastor Hector