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Lectio Divina - Beguiled by Beauty Week 2

Each week during our Beguiled by Beauty worship series, we'll post an opportunity for you to go deeper into the practice of lectio divina, or “divine reading,” an ancient practice of engaging deeply with sacred texts, inviting us into a transformative encounter with God's word.

This practice unfolds in four movements: Lectio (Reading), where we carefully listen to the text with an open heart; Meditatio (Meditation), where we ponder the words, allowing them to resonate within us; Oratio (Prayer), where we respond to the text by conversing with God; and Contemplatio (Contemplation), where we rest in God's presence, embracing the silence and mystery of divine love. Each week, as we embark on this journey, may these steps guide us closer to the heart of God and the beauty that surrounds us.


We Are Made for the Beloved

Imagine living through one of history's darkest chapters. The 14th century was a time of immense suffering—marked by the Black Death, famine, war, and societal upheaval. As Wendy Farley poignantly reminds us, "Suffering is part of being human, but what makes suffering so soul-destroying is our forgetfulness that God is with us.” Yet, amidst this turmoil, a beacon of hope emerged in the form of Julian of Norwich, a Christian mystic.

Julian believed that at the heart of our pain lies a misunderstanding of God's love. By cultivating a deep sense of our inherent worth and beauty, we can begin to heal the wounds that lead to self-destructive behaviors. Contemplative practices offer a pathway to reconnect with the Divine and find solace in these challenging times.

Last week, we embarked on a journey to rediscover the ancient art of reading. It's more than just consuming words; it's savoring their essence. Like relishing a fine wine, we invite you to linger over sacred texts, allowing their meaning to seep into your soul. This week, we'll explore how to transform these words into a personal mantra—a healing balm for your heart. By pausing and meditating on the Psalmist's poetry, we can unlock its transformative power.

Lectio (Reading)

Read Psalm 16:7-11 slowly, pausing when indicated to let the words resonate.

I praise YHWH, who guides me;

even at night my heart teaches me. [pause]

I’m always aware of your presence;

you are right by my side,

and nothing can shake me. [pause]

My heart is happy and my tongue sings for joy;

I feel completely safe with you,

because you won’t abandon me to the Grave;

you won’t let your loved one see decay. [pause]

You show me the path to Life; [pause]

your presence fills me with joy.

Beautiful things are always in your right hand. [pause]

Meditatio (Meditation)

Using the haiku and video below, reflect on the presence of God in your life. Consider how being aware of God’s presence can bring comfort and safety even in times of suffering.

Luminous darkness,

blessed silence of God, why fear

when nothing is there?

Stripped bare, illusions,

allusions, presence, absence,

are nonsense not God.

The wise mind does not

even say “God,” but stills, lets

the heart beat – listens.

(by Paul Sundberg)

Oratio (Prayer)

Pray for the grace to remember God’s presence, especially during difficult times. Ask for the strength to trust in God’s guidance and love.

Contemplatio (Contemplation)

In silence, imagine yourself resting in God’s presence, feeling completely safe and unshakable. Allow this sense of peace to fill your heart.


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