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Lectio Divina - Beguiled by Beauty Week 4

Each week during our Beguiled by Beauty worship series, we'll post an opportunity for you to go deeper into the practice of lectio divina, or “divine reading,” an ancient practice of engaging deeply with sacred texts, inviting us into a transformative encounter with God's word.

This practice unfolds in four movements: Lectio (Reading), where we carefully listen to the text with an open heart; Meditatio (Meditation), where we ponder the words, allowing them to resonate within us; Oratio (Prayer), where we respond to the text by conversing with God; and Contemplatio (Contemplation), where we rest in God's presence, embracing the silence and mystery of divine love. Each week, as we embark on this journey, may these steps guide us closer to the heart of God and the beauty that surrounds us.


Abyss, Mystery, and Wonder

Have you ever felt a deep longing for something more, a thirst for a life filled with meaning and purpose? We often chase fleeting distractions, seeking to quench this inner fire. But true fulfillment lies in awakening to the beauty that surrounds us. As Wendy Farley beautifully puts it, "The contemplative life is a sweetness of longing and of tasting in which one ceases to praise and becomes pure praise, an unending chant to the divine goodness."

Nature offers us a constant source of inspiration and resilience. A tree, scarred by fire, still reaches for the sun, a testament to life's enduring spirit. Even in the cracks of our world, we find seeds of hope waiting for their chance to bloom. Contemplating this beauty ignites a spark within us, reminding us of our own capacity for renewal.

This week, we invite you to join us in a journey of contemplation through Psalm 135. Imagine these words as a balm for weary souls, a message of hope for those feeling lost or alone. The Divine is described as a healer, a provider, a source of life for all creation, especially those who suffer. We all experience moments of feeling exiled from what we love. Let these ancient words wash over you, knowing that you are seen, known, and cherished, like the stars in the vast expanse.

Lectio (Reading)

Read Psalm 135:1-3; 13-21, letting the words draw you into a place of awe and wonder.

Alleluia! Praise the Name of YHWH—

sing praise, you who serve the Most High,

who stand in the house of YHWH,

in the courts of God’s house!

Alleluia! God is good!

Sing praises to God’s name because it is beautiful!

YHWH, your Name stands forever;

your fame is told from one generation to the next.

For you do justice for your people;

and you have compassion for your faithful.

The idols of the nations are silver and gold,

the work of human hands.

They have mouths but they can’t speak;

they have eyes but they can’t see.

They have ears but can’t hear;

there is never a breath on their lips.

Their makers will come to be like them,

and so will all who trust in them!

House of Israel, bless YHWH!

Priests of the temple, bless YHWH!

Attendants of the sanctuary, bless YHWH!

You who revere YHWH, bless YHWH!

Blessings from Zion upon YHWH,

who dwells in Jerusalem!


Meditatio (Meditation)

Using the Visio Divina video and haiku below, reflect on the mysteries of life and the universe. Consider how contemplation can lead to a deeper appreciation of the divine goodness that pervades all things.

Rough, buried down deep Creeps; slowly; pushing and out Peeks one fresh vine - Hope (Kelly Apling)

Oratio (Prayer)

Pray for the ability to live a life of praise, recognizing the divine presence in all aspects of your life. Ask for the grace to embrace the mystery and wonder of existence.

Contemplatio (Contemplation)

In silence, imagine yourself surrounded by the vastness of the universe, feeling a deep connection to all that is. Allow this sense of wonder to fill you with gratitude and praise.


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