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Lectio Divina - Beguiled by Beauty Week 6

Each week during our Beguiled by Beauty worship series, we'll post an opportunity for you to go deeper into the practice of lectio divina, or “divine reading,” an ancient practice of engaging deeply with sacred texts, inviting us into a transformative encounter with God's word.

This practice unfolds in four movements: Lectio (Reading), where we carefully listen to the text with an open heart; Meditatio (Meditation), where we ponder the words, allowing them to resonate within us; Oratio (Prayer), where we respond to the text by conversing with God; and Contemplatio (Contemplation), where we rest in God's presence, embracing the silence and mystery of divine love. Each week, as we embark on this journey, may these steps guide us closer to the heart of God and the beauty that surrounds us.


From Beauty to Compassion and Justice

Our series ends with a reaffirmation of our call to contemplative action in the world. Imagine a world brimming with beauty, where compassion and justice flourish. As Wendy Farley wisely reminds us, “The celebration of this beauty of beings, their communities, and ecosystems, cannot exist without mourning assaults on them.” Let's embark on a journey together to cultivate a world where beauty thrives.

We often hear Isaiah's words of peace and hope during the Christmas season, but their message resonates year-round. Isaiah's oppressed people longed for a savior, a messenger of relief. The image of "beautiful feet" bringing good news is a powerful symbol of hope and restoration. Just as "you are a sight for sore eyes," the promise of peace is a welcome relief from suffering.

Let us be those messengers of hope. By embracing a contemplative life, we can become instruments of goodness, cultivating a world that is rich, courageous, generous, and joyful. Together, we can unveil more beauty in the world and work towards a future filled with peace and harmony.

Lectio (Reading)

Read Isaiah 52:7-10, focusing on the connection between beauty, compassion, and justice.

How beautiful upon the mountains

are the feet of one who brings good news—

who announces peace,

and brings news of happy things,

and proclaims deliverance,

saying to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

Listen! Those who keep watch raise a cry,

together they shout for joy—

for they see with their own eyes

YHWH’s restoration of Zion!

Break out together in song, O ruins of Jerusalem!

For YHWH comforts the people,

and redeems Jerusalem.

YHWH bares a holy arm

in the sight of all the nations;

all the ends of the earth will behold

the salvation of our God!

Meditatio (Meditation)

Using the Visio Divina video and haiku below, meditate on the idea that awareness of beauty can lead to a deeper commitment to justice and compassion. Consider how the recognition of beauty in others can inspire you to work for their well-being.

Beauty whispers soft, A seed of justice blooms, Love's wild work begins.

by David Horton

Oratio (Prayer)

Pray for the strength to be an agent of compassion and justice in the world. Ask for the courage to stand up for the beauty and dignity of all people and creation.

Contemplatio (Contemplation)

In silence, contemplate the ways in which you can embody compassion and justice in your daily life. Let the beauty you see inspire you to take action for the good of others.

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