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Neighbors in Need Report + March 8, 2025

We begin each Saturday with a warm beverage welcome... Let's have coffee! How often have you started a visit with just those words? The photo is a "very shortly after 7 AM" view of the Neighbors in Need coffee "bar." It takes a crew of four and often five to keep a full pot on the table.

For instance, Robin starts the day with calm, but her smile invites each Neighbor's story about the previous night and current weather. Outgoing Jenna soon joins and introduces herself to each Neighbor. They instantly return the introduction and candid personal history. They tell her EVERYTHING 🙂. Sharon has known most of our Neighbors for years. She knows just how to accurately check in, and they are more than eager to add to their story. AJ is bold! "You need to pull up your pants!" From her, they take it. Each coffee team member has a distinct style. Coffee starts the welcome and creates the day's sense of community.

Many thanks to the team from Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Congregation for hot burritos and their gift of tuna, cereals, cheese sticks, and oranges. This team arrives, cooks, deep cleans, helps in the pantry, and is "outa' here" in what seems like minutes. Our Neighbors sure appreciate the hot breakfast and genuine nutrition to take with them.


Our pantry served 73 Neighbors, two families, and six dogs this morning. Word is out on the canine news lines—we are growing a quiet and truly polite kennel club. A heartwarming sight this morning was watching Taz, who uses a wheelchair, and her service dog. Taz wheeled herself to the restroom. Her service dog jumped up and pressed the button to open the door.


Welcome back, hoagie sandwiches! Tony, with Advocates Recovery Services, has not been able to bring hoagies for a couple of months. He knows our Neighbors look forward to them. Thanks, Tony, for the special treat! ARS isn't just about great sandwiches. They donate our coffee (we're talking Starbucks' best) and always a variety of pastries. ARS team, we are blessed by your donations and the many hours of service you give on Saturday mornings.


Also, welcome back the youth from St. Hilda St. Patrick Episcopal Church. They have once again held a blanket drive. Those blankets are so needed. The youth and their adult leaders spend the entire morning with us each time they drop off their gifts. They are expert help in our clothing department.


Speaking of clothing, our Neighbors, as always, need dry, well-repaired clothes. Our clothing bank especially needs men's and women's shoes of all sizes, men's and women's pants (especially jeans) in smaller sizes, and shirts, sweatshirts, and jackets of all sizes. If you enjoy thrifting, Edmonds Senior Center Thrift Store (22820 100th Ave W, Edmonds) sells men's and women's pants on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for $3.00 per pair. All men's and women's clothes are 50% off on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Mercy Watch was busy serving our Neighbors today. They cared for 13 patients, checking blood pressure, caring for wounds, assessing pain, and sincerely listening to health concerns. A common early morning question at the coffee bar is, "Will Mercy Watch be here this morning?"


We wish you peace and health.


For NiN Leadership


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