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Neighbors in Need Report + February 3, 2024

It was a busy but truly fun morning. We are grateful to the youth and their adult leaders from St Hilda St Patrick Episcopal Church for spending the morning with us. They had sponsored a blanket drive in their home congregation and delivered more than 40 blankets to give to our Neighbors. They spent the entire morning with us to help with sorting clothing and serving breakfast. We sure enjoyed their energy and productivity.

Also thank you to the breakfast team from Trinity for "full" breakfast plus Neighbor- required burritos. The menu included pancakes, sausages, scrambled eggs and fruit juice. They served 122 plates. And, as always, Robin and David served all-you-can-drink coffee or hot chocolate. What a team!


It was Dental Van Day. Our Neighbors can have their teeth cleaned, cavities filled, and/or extractions. Those who use this service are always pleased with the kind care of the Dental Van professionals. This day requires detailed administration. Susan does all of the communication between NiN and the dental van volunteers. She also has designed a system so that our Neighbors can text in appointment requests. Susan makes it look easy. She happily gives this service a lot of her time.


Our pantry served 67 Neighbors and 3 families this morning. This is another part of NiN that looks easy thanks to a behind the scenes crew of 8 who shop for, sort and package foods plus the very important part of welcoming the Neighbors who need the food. Additional gratitude goes to Advocates Recovery Services and Edmonds Food Bank for delivering hoagy sandwiches and fresh salads and fruit.


Work wanted

Please contact me if you can use some quality help. 206-450-4900

  • Colleen would still like any kind of caregiving our house cleaning work that you could offer, She needs to repair her car that has been her home so that she can move to her new housing in eastern Washington.

  • Dwight does outside work - power washing and house painting. He is actually quite busy, but has room available on his calendar beginning mid-March


Clothing bank needs 

Our clothing bank is in need of back packs, men's underwear, and shoes (all sizes of men's and women's shoes).


Prayer requests

  • Please continue to pray for Gale as he receives medical care. Using good health care practices is complicated for any of our Neighbors. Thank God for Nest Mission, Advocates Recovery Services and Mercy Watch for helping him manage his care and for securing shelter for him.

  • Also pray for Markus' family and many of our Neighbors who were his friends. Markus passed away last Monday.


We wish you peace and comfort



with NiN leadership



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