Sometimes we just need the promise of sanctuary - not the promise of an easy day, but the promise of a meaningful and worth it day. This is the peace that greeted us as we arrived to serve our Neighbors on an early, snowing morning.
The team from Edmonds Universalist Unitarian Church was with us this morning to prepare burritos. They expected to have many, many leftovers which would have been shared with the Lynnwood Hygiene Center. Nope! Having enjoyed a generous breakfast at the cold weather shelter, our Neighbor guests wanted their burritos. We had only 20 burritos left to share with the Hygiene Center. Extra thanks to Edmonds Food Bank for bringing salads and fresh fruit for us to share with our friends at "the showers".
Help Wanted
Our clothing department is always a popular site, but critical during the wet & cold months. Are you available to help sort and organize on Saturday mornings? This is a three-hour gig that provides at least one week of healthy and dry comfort. If your gift is organizing, you will value this couple of hours of service. Youth groups are safe and welcome to support this ministry. Questions? Email
Our pantry handed grocery bags, plus fresh salads and fruits to 71 Neighbors this morning. They also provided food and treats to a loving dog owner.
Prayer Requests
Please pray for Shane, a new visitor to Neighbors in Need. He overdosed late this morning. Thank you to Tony with Advocates Recovery Services who is trained to administer Narcan. Also, thanks to the 911 operator who supported Tony (and an army of witnesses) while getting the aid car on the way. Shane responded to the Narcan and was alert enough to be able to respond to the South County Fire EMT professionals. He agreed to go Edmonds Providence Emergency and, from there, agreed to enter treatment.
What started as a subdued morning, ended with some drama. We're a team that, with faith and universal welcome, makes it work.
It's a big deal! Thank you for your work, your prayers, and your hope on behalf of our Neighbors.
For NiN leaderhsip