You just shoulda’ been with us today! It was a celebration of so many good things. Our clothing bank team were looking “ready for naps” as they left, but we know they will be back to fashion consult next Saturday. Honest! They perform as sincere “clothing needs consultants” for our Neighbors.

The team from St Mary Coptic Church in Lynnwood prepared full breakfast. This team of young adults were frequently with us “pre-covid”. They are fun company and it was truly wonderful to have them back. They prepared a full breakfast menu of pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausages links, fruit juice and a fruit compote. Their serving table was a luxury for our Neighbors. They served 80 plus plates. We thank you for your generosity and for your gift of time. We know they are busy parents as well as busy professionals. They served 85 plates of breakfast.
Our food bank served 65 (maybe closer to 70?) Neighbors this morning. Once again this team were able to add salads and fruits from Trader Joe’s via Edmonds Food Bank and hoagie sandwiches which Salt of the Earth Ministry sends us via Advocates Recovery Services.

First Harvest !!!
The Trinity Garden Team gifted our Neighbors with fresh salad greens and they were so very gratefully accepted. Trinity’s Garden is for sharing with our Neighbors and for our Lynnwood community neighbors. We look forward to sharing gardening time together and the blessing of sharing harvest together. Stay tuned. To date, the garden has harvested salad greens that were more welcome to our Neighbors than we ever dreamed. As the weather warms, we will grow an ever larger variety of fresh nutrition – all for sharing.
Save the date!!
April 14 - Daryl Bertch’s memorial (remember that Daryl was killed in an auto accident last March 9). His family is inviting all NiN volunteers and Neighbors to join us April 14 at 1:00 PM at Lynnwood Grange Hall. They are grateful for our friendship to Daryl and they want to meet us. Additional details to follow.
Can you sponsor a food drive?
No surprise to each of us, TIMES ARE TOUGH. Edmonds Food Bank has been an above and beyond support of Neighbors in Need for many years. These are tough economic times. There is minimal excess from our local suppliers to share with Edmonds Food Bank. At the same time, there is an ever increasing need. (We see that every Saturday) The Food Bank gives all that they can, but they absolutely have to allocate carefully. That means limiting their offerings.
have energy for a food drive? We would so gratefully accept canned goods, peanut butter and/or any portable nutrition? Neighbors in Need requests your help.
You give so much and we trust to ask for more. You bless our Neighbors.
Happy Easter!
With NiN leadership