Seeking Council & Committee Members

It is again time to choose new leaders for our congregation for some Council positions, Endowment Committee members, and Nominating Committee for next year.
The current Nominating Committee requests your prayers for discernment as we seek God’s will in choosing people for these leadership positions.
Find position descriptions below (taken from the TLCS Constitution). If you or someone you know would be interested in serving on the Council or a committee, please email your nominations to Co-Chairs, Christina Howard, or Linda Russell at
We thank you for your ongoing support in this process.
Peace in Christ, your Nominating Committee:
Linda Russell, Christina Howard, John Cheshier, Ron Collins, Sharon Bloch, Edna-Mae Olufson Smith with Pastor Hector Garfias-Toledo and Pastor Jenna Bergeson.
Congregation Council
C12.02. The members of the Congregation Council, except the pastor(s) and deacon(s), shall be elected by written or electronic ballot to serve for two years. Such members shall be eligible to serve no more than two full terms consecutively. Their terms shall begin on July 1 following the annual meeting at which they are elected and end on June 30. Pastor(s) and deacon(s) shall serve as members of the Congregation Council for the duration of their respective calls.
C12.04. The Congregation Council shall have general oversight of the life and activities of this congregation, and in particular its worship life, to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The duties of the Congregation Council shall include the following:
To lead this congregation in stating its mission, to do long-range planning, to set goals and priorities, and to evaluate its activities in light of its mission and goals.
To seek to involve all members of this congregation in worship, learning, witness, service, and support.
To oversee and provide for the administration of this congregation to enable it to fulfill its functions and perform its mission.
To maintain supportive relationships with the rostered minister(s) and staff and help them annually to evaluate the fulfillment of their calling or employment.
To be examples individually and corporately of the style of life and ministry expected of all baptized persons.
To promote a congregational climate of peace and goodwill and, as differences and conflicts arise, to endeavor to foster mutual understanding.
To arrange for pastoral service during the sickness or absence of the pastor.
To emphasize support of the synod and churchwide organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as well as cooperation with other congregations, both Lutheran and non-Lutheran, subject to established policies of the synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
To recommend and encourage the use of program resources produced or approved by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
To seek out and encourage qualified persons to prepare for the ministry of the Gospel.
C12.04.01. In no specific order, expectations of a Congregation Council member shall include:
Be a member in good standing of this congregation, regularly attending worship services, contribute financially, and be involved in congregational life.
Attend all meetings of the Congregation Council.
Consider the well-being of the Congregation Council when dealing with specific issues and ministries.
Treat all matters relating to Congregation Council deliberations as confidential, until such time as the information is determined a matter of public record.
Be a part of a united body by supporting all decisions of the Congregation Council, even if you don't agree with the decision.
Treat members of the Congregation Council and staff as siblings in Christ.
Be familiar with the governing documents of this congregation.
Have a working knowledge of the Roberts Rules of Order and Synod/ELCA documents.
Exhibit the values of this congregation.
Be a leadership presence in this congregation.
Attempt to discover, through prayer and discernment, what is best for this congregation.
Assist the pastor in nurturing the spiritual life of this congregation.
Care for this congregation’s membership.
Ensure that the decisions of this congregation are carried out.
Vice President
C11.01.02. In addition to the duties of all Congregation Council members listed in C12.04.01, the duties of the vice president shall include:
Preside at meetings of this congregation, Executive Committee or Congregation Council at the request or in the absence of the president.
Arrange for devotions at meetings.
Perform the duties of recording secretary in the individual’s absence.
Actively aid the president in the administration of the office of president.
Ensure that the incorporation of this congregation, tax exemptions, etc. are in good standing.
Review and ensure property, casualty and liability insurance is in good standing and sufficient for this congregation’s needs.
Assume other duties as assigned by the Congregation Council.
Serve as a member of the Personnel Committee during the second year of the term.
C11.01.03. In addition to the duties of all Congregation Council members listed in C12.04.01, the duties of the secretary shall include:
Keep the minutes of all meetings of the congregation, Executive Committee and Congregation Council and be responsible for the distribution and publication of such minutes.
Distribute meeting minutes to the Congregation Council within a week of the meeting with highlights for the congregation newsletter and website.
Be authorized and empowered, in the name of the congregation, to attest instruments that require certified authorized signers and may also be signed by the president or pastor.
Work with the pastor and congregation staff to ensure the storage and protection of all important documents and papers following the ELCA's Brief Guide for Archives of Congregations.
Make sure that annual reports of the congregation’s corporate status are filed with the appropriate office in your state (if required).
Work with the treasurer and pastor to ensure timely filing of the congregation’s annual report.
Sign the letter of call for rostered staff at the time of a call meeting.
Attest to the synod office that the congregation’s records are up to date and under your control at the time of pastoral transition.
Submit copies of constitution and bylaw amendments to the synod.
Prepare an annual list of membership changes.
Carry out correspondence on behalf of the Congregation Council and the congregation, as directed.
Nominating Committee
C13.02. A Nominating Committee of six voting members of this congregation, two of whom, if possible, shall be outgoing members of the Congregation Council, shall be elected at the annual meeting for a term of one year. Members of the Nominating Committee are not eligible for consecutive re-election.
C13.02.01. The Nominating Committee shall provide a roster of eligible candidates for vacant positions on the Congregation Council, Nominating Committee, and Endowment Committee.