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Re-imagining TLCS Ministry - Congregational Assessment Forums

Greeting, my dear siblings in Christ.

For the past few months, I have been working with the council to assess the current ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church & Schools.

Along with the council, I have had conversations with various leaders and teams, including former council presidents, participants in the Values>Direction>Action process from 2020, parents of young children, the task force assessing an additional worship gathering, the TLCS-Lynnwood Neighborhood Center engagement team, TLCS staff, recent new members, and leaders of our six core ministries (see graph below).

This assessment seeks to clarify TLCS’s ministry priorities so we can faithfully steward our resources—both now and into the future. There are two key components:  

  1. Understanding the realities of our context today.

  2. Discerning how to steward the resources God has given us to carry out this ministry.

The congregation has changed in size, membership composition, generational demographics, as well as in what is relevant in the surrounding community. We need to be clear about how the Spirit is calling TLCS to join God's work for the current and future realities.

Additionally, we have an open Associate Pastor position, originally designed when the congregation’s needs and size were different. As shared by me and the Council at the November 2024 congregational budget meeting, we will not fill this position simply for the sake of filling it, nor just to provide additional help for me. Instead, we will use the outcomes of this assessment to determine how this position should  be shaped to best serve the  needs and ministry priorities of TLCS and the community to which God has called us.  

You are a key participant in this ministry.

Your insights are invaluable in this discernment process. That’s why the council and I invite  you to join one of the two upcoming forums:


  • In-person forum - Sunday, March 30, 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM

  • Online forum - Tuesday, April 1, 6:30 - 7:30 PM (Zoom link)

Later in March, you will receive a short questionnaire. Your responses will remain confidential and will be reviewed only by me and a small team of trusted leaders helping compile the data. Would you take a few moments to share your thoughts? Your voice matters in this process.


Why is it necessary?

  • To understand where TLCS is in the journey.

  • To discern what changes or adjustments may be needed.

How are we addressing these needs?

  • Engaging in  conversations with leaders, former council presidents, staff, members, and key influencers.

  • Gathering input from the congregation through forums and a questionnaire.

What are the next steps?

  • Develop a timeline for this process.

  • Hold conversations with congregational leaders and members.

  • Use the Ministry Site Profile questions to guide  discussion.

  • Form a team to help steward this process.


The graph below illustrates how our ministries complement one another as we join God’s mission—serving as catalysts for healing and transformation in our community.

Thank you for your partnership in this ministry. I look forward to hearing your insights as we discern where God is leading TLCS in the years ahead.

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Hector Garfias-Toledo




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