Info meeting on April 16. Special Congregational Meeting on April 23.

While our temporary roof repairs earlier this Winter have largely held, we did have additional minor leaking in the church office during a recent rain storm. It is past time we replaced the roof, and as a result of your faithful response to the Build Up, Branch Out campaign (, we can now move forward, securing our facilities so that we can carry out the mission of God through the ministries of TLCS.
In making these repairs, TLCS will be able to extend that roof in ways that bring blessing, healing, and transformation not only for those who gather under the new roof, but to all the community.
Mark your calendars now for two important meetings related to the roof replacement:
Informational Meeting
Sunday, April 16 following worship (~11:30 AM) + In person & via Zoom
TLCS Leadership and our Project Manager from J2 Consulting will be joining us to discuss details of the roof replacement plan and answer questions. This meeting will be in-person in the sanctuary, and available via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 864 5012 5733
Passcode: 650336
Special Congregational Meeting
Sunday, April 23 following worship (~11:30 AM) + In person & via Zoom
At this meeting we will vote on expenditure of funds and construction loan for the roof replacement project with McCleod construction.
All the detailed questions about the project will be addressed at the April 16 informational meeting, and this meeting should be relatively short with brief time for procedural questions about the vote, language of motion, et cetera.
Meeting ID: 890 2462 2855
Passcode: 985592