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Roof Update & Capital Campaign News

As many of you are aware, the Trinity building suffered significant incursions and leaks during the combination ice and snowstorm in late December/early January. Thankfully, most of the damage was minor and none in public facing areas of the building; the most significant damage was to the organ bellows in the basement which were compromised due to excess moisture.

Knowing that a much-needed full roof replacement was months away, we contracted with 3D Roofing to provide significant temporary repairs to damaged areas and drains. They were able to do that work during the dry window we experienced a couple of weeks ago, and we did not suffer any further known incursions during the recent rainstorms and are hopeful these repairs will keep us dry until a full roof replacement is completed. The organ bellows were also repaired by the builders, Martin Pasi and family, last month.

In regards to the full roof (and siding) replacement, the Council and Congregation voted to move forward with that project in full at the January Budget Meeting as recommended in previous building inspection reports. I have met with and completed pre-application paperwork with multiple financing companies. I have also re-engaged with project managers J2 Consulting, and they have started working on a construction contact with the general contractor, Mcleod Construction, in consultation with our land use attorney.

I have also been meeting with a group of Executive Council members weekly basis to provide progress reports on financing and specifying financial metrics that need to be met prior to fully committing to the $1.7 million project.

While a formal capital campaign is anticipated to be a part of this funding, anyone interested in making a contribution, bequest, or other gift to this project now would be greatly welcomed. We’ve already had several people make designated gifts to the upcoming campaign to fund this project, including a bequest of over $25,000! Please just note on check or electronic payment that the contribution is for the “Capital Campaign." All gifts received now will be noted and counted toward the formal campaign. Please contact me if you have any questions about how to make such a gift.

Thank you, and I hope you have a blessed Lenten journey.

Don Boelter, Administrator | 425-778-2159 x2205


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