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Safely Welcoming Community

Meet Trinity's new keyless entry system.

In partnership with the Trinity school programs, we completed installation earlier this week of a new keyless entry door security system at the north set of main narthex doors. This new system will allow us to buzz in folks from the church office when the doors are locked—which currently includes weekdays as we are still in COVID precaution mode—and program the door to be unlocked during office hours when we are past the COVID period. There is a button to the right as you face these doors that will ring into our three "front of office" administrative staff members: Ministry Assistant Kelly Apling, Communications Coordinator Josh Judd-Herzfeldt, and TLCS Administrator Don Boelter. They will be able to see and speak to you from their desks and buzz you in.

In addition to these benefits, when the doors no longer need to be kept locked during office hours, we will still be able to program them to lock at certain times in order allow our schools programs to use the Sanctuary for weekly Chapel, narthex for picture days, and other previously "non-secure" areas of the building safely, while still allowing members and visitors access to building by ringing the office and being buzzed in.

The new set-up also has a keyless code/fob system, which will be extremely useful when we are ready to welcome back our non-TLCS partner user groups. We will not have to keep the doors unlocked after regular office hours, as we had been doing pre-pandemic; groups can be given a code and/or fob that will grant them entry into the building, but only at the limited days/times needed for their group event. Periodically we can change a group's code for further security. We can also program the door to unlock during public concerts and other events.

Some things to note about new system:

  • If you are a current keyholder to the exterior doors, you will no longer be able to enter using your key through the door with the new entry system; however, you can continue to use your key for entry at the south narthex main entry door and all other exterior doors as in the past. (That keyhole is currently covered with a note asking to use the other narthex door when using a key if you forget).

  • This door also has a motion-sensor safety feature that will automatically unlock the door if you approach it from the inside of the narthex so you can exit via that door in the event of an emergency. Please be aware of this, as if there is someone outside the door that you don't want to have access to get in, do not approach that door.

  • If you feel like a code and/or fob to this door would be helpful to your volunteer work at the church, or you think would eliminate the need for an exterior key, please contact Don Boelter about getting access.

  • If you are the facilitator of a small group and you think having the door programmed to unlock at certain times for group member entry when in-person activities resume, contact Don.

Thanks, and please feel free to let me know if you have any other questions about this new security feature.

Don Boelter, Administrator, 425-778-2159 x2205


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