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[Survey] Envisioning Additional Worship Gatherings at TLCS

One of our core values at Trinity Lutheran Church & Schools (TLCS) is a faith-based communal experience of worshiping and learning together. 

"The Sunday gathering (in-person and online) focuses on being a space where participants will experience a celebration that ranges from traditional Lutheran liturgy to contextual/not conventional format, explore styles, rhythms, and traditions that lead the congregation to an experience of deepening in their faith, and an opportunity to connect with the community regardless if they participate in person or online. Learning opportunities focus on developing a deeper understanding of being disciple makers who make disciple makers. TLCS consistently and intentionally seeks to reflect the values of inter-generational ministry, inclusion, art, sensorial, and collaborative planning." -- [from Trinity Website]

On March 18, 2024, the staff initiated discussions about the exciting possibility of adding another worship gathering at TLCS. The church council entrusted the staff with exploring various scenarios and formats for this additional gathering, envisioning the potential benefits it could bring to our community.

Exploring alternate worship gathering opportunities will serve to widen the availability of faith-centered worship experiences at TLCS, allowing us to practice intergenerational worship, develop and strengthen impactful relationships, and grow spiritually.

TLCS leadership, guided by a strong call to expand our reach and deepen our existing connections, is committed to embodying the ongoing mission of Jesus. We believe that growth is essential in the richness of our faith (depth) and the number of people we serve (breadth). Rest assured, any new initiatives, including the potential additional worship service, will be in alignment with our core values and mission.

The staff and church council, recognizing the invaluable role of our congregation in shaping our community, are actively seeking your feedback. By crafting questions to gather relevant information, we aim to ensure that any new gathering aligns with your needs and desires, empowering you to play a significant part in this decision-making process.


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