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Lenten Books & Study Opportunities

Updated: Mar 3, 2022

During Lent all are invited to read one or both of Trinity’s Lenten books for 2022 (details below), and are encouraged to join in study opportunities Sundays and Wednesdays in Lent.

Study Opportunities

For those looking to dive deeper into either or both of these books, join a study opportunity:

  • Sundays following worship, around 11:30 AM, March 6 through April 10

  • Wednesdays following mid-week worship, around 7:15 PM, March 9 through April 6.

There will be a separate dedicated study for each book on both days.




Sunday, March 6

& Wednesday, March 9

Preface - ch 4 (pp. vii-27)

Chapter 1

Sunday, March 13

& Wednesday, March 16

ch 5 - 10 (pp. 28-60)

Chapter 2

Sunday, March 20

& Wednesday, March 23

ch 11 - 16 (pp. 61-97)

Chapter 3

Sunday, March 27

& Wednesday, March 30

ch 17 - 22 (pp. 98-133)

Chapter 4

Sunday, April 3 & Wednesday, April 6

ch 23 - 28 (pp. 134-166)

Chapter 5

Sunday, April 10 (Palm Sunday)

ch 29 - 34 (pp. 167-199)

Chapter 6

“Good Enough” by Kate Bowler

All are encouraged to purchase the book, Good Enough, as a way to support and supplement our weekly worship together on Sundays and consider it a form of worship for every day. You can use the book for your own personal devotion and study or join with others to talk about it together (through small groups, existing ministry groups, etc.).

More about the book:

A six-week journey to discover or rediscover the liberating power of Sabbath and the promise that in Jesus Christ all are good enough. The season of Lent is a time to reflect on God’s grace in Jesus to remind us that we are precious to God as we are. In a time when popular culture leads us to think that we are not good enough or that we need to get more, produce more, and consume more to be worthy of love, we are reminded that each one is good enough. Kate Bowler is an author, podcaster and history professor at Duke Divinity School (as well as a person living with stage four colon cancer). She and fellow writer Jessica Richie have created a devotional-based book that will help guide the worship series for Trinity throughout the season of Lent. For yet another year, we are still in the midst of great disturbance from the way things used to be before the pandemic. Kate and Jessica invite readers to embrace the imperfections of life and faith as we continue to face the unknown.

“Sabbath as Resistance: Saying No to the Culture of Now” by Walter Brueggemann

Sabbath as Resistance is based on the Old Testament books of the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Numbers). It is recommended for people who enjoy history, theology, and exegesis, but all are welcome to check it out.

Brueggemann challenges the audience to rethink how our current society and political system is reenacting Pharaoh’s system of oppression and exploitation, leading us to see each other as enemies and reducing others as means of production.

More about the book

In his book, Sabbath as Resistance, [New 2017 Edition with Study Guide] theologian Walter Brueggemann leads us to see sabbath as resistance to falling prey to such culture. He reminds us that Sabbath is to live out a freedom from the empire and the forces that hold us hostage from seeing ourselves and others as the liberated people of God, and that we are good enough and worthy of God’s love. Moreover , we all live the Sabbath and strive to dismantle systems that deprive others from experiencing Sabbath and God's Shalom.

If you need help with the cost of books, contact Pastor Jenna or Pastor Hector.


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