TLCS' Neighbors in Need program is seeking volunteers to help sort and stage donated toys for the annual Toy Shoppe, a partnership between Neighbors in Need, Edmonds Unitarian Congregation and Toys for Tots that last year provided over 1100 gifts for children in need. The actual distribution of toys will take place Saturday, December 4, but plenty of work is needed to prepare.
Below is a list of dates and times. Given Covid protocols, only 10 vaccinated volunteers can serve at each slot:
11/27 11 am-2 pm
11/28 2-5 pm
11/29 6-9 pm
11/30 6-9 pm
12/1 6-9 pm
12/2 6-9 pm
12/3 6-9 pm (begin staging for distribution in Trinity Multipurpose Room)
12/4 8-11 am (complete staging in the MPR)
12/4 11 am-3 pm (distribution from the MPR to the parking lot)
12/4 3-4:30 pm clean up
Contact John Boone ( if you are interested and able to serve at any of these times, or want more information.